This girl must be Out of her Mind but also a Genious for making This video!. Thís bäbë must bè ÒUT ÖF HÉR MÎND but álsó à GÈNÏÒUS fór mâkìng thìs VÏDÈÓ!. A new survey scam is currently active on Facebook with the title -"Thís bäbë must bè ÒUT ÖF HÉR MÎND but álsó à GÈNÏÒUS fór mâkìng thìs VÏDÈÓ!". It is yet another type of survey scam. Here's how the wall post of the scam looks:
The scam reads:
Thís bäbë must bè ÒUT ÖF HÉR MÎND but álsó à GÈNÏÒUS fór mâkìng thìs VÏDÈÓ! Àftêr thêy tôók hèr lìfë ãwäy shë dëcídéd tó dô gênîóus révêngë!
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