Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Look what She did in Internet Cafe

Look what She did in Internet Cafe [video]. Hana Sighed softly walking into the rather large & crouded Cafe'. She wore a thick green jacket to where her blue jeans would show, but not what she was carrying in them. Her hood was down, but when it was, she could be compared to L, except with longer hair, her tangled hair was hanging in front of her eyes & Takanaka would probally want to brush her hair if he could find her, though her eyes were coated in a thick layer of eye liner, mascara, & eye shadow just perfectly. She looked around for an empty chair & table until she found one in the corner & pushed her way through there.

As she sat down she slid the laptop from her shirt & opened it, soon destroying any info on where she was, then takeing out a screw driver & opening the laptop itself to look for tracking devices. "Plant one in the speaker L.. very smart.." she muttered weakly holding the small chip between her fingers then soon breaking it. She allready found all the ships on her body & on her items, now all she had to do was delete all the data on that from the computer....

Mello tapped his fingers on the table impatiently. Everything was irritating him today, the fact that his mocha latte was still to hot to drink, that the internet was being slow, that the person who he was waiting for still wasn't there, that he couldn't get his hair to lay right, the people in the cafe and their pretencious looks, that his bike needed a tune up, badly...but on the upside, he had one of the most delicious godiva brownies he had ever tasted.
His attention was drawn to the door as a new patron entered the coffee house. She was attractive, but looked like she hadn't brushed her hair in a month. He discretely watched the woman from behind his hair as she pulled a laptop out from under her jacket. If it wasn't for this odd behavior he probably would of dismissed her as soon as she took her seat. He narrowed his eyes, leaning forward in his chair while taking a tentative sip of his still steaming latte, focusing on the disheveled woman as she began to methodically dismantle the computer, "What is she up to?" he whispered to himself.

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