Tuesday, July 6, 2021

She was Hurting for days and could not walk!

She was Hurting for days and could not walk!
Scam Signature Message:

[Video] This is what Happend to his Ex GirlFriend!
Play Video! She could not walk properly for days!
Alternate Message:
[Video] This is what Happend to his Ex GirlFriend!
She could not walk properly for days!
[Video] – This is what Happend to his Ex Girl Friend!
Play Video! She was Hurting for days, and could not walk!

Why it's a Scam:
Clicking on the wall post will take you to the following web page (notice this page doesn’t even line up with the scam message – this should be a red flag):

This page is designed to look like Facebook with a video clip embedded in it. You are asked to share a message to your Wall before proceeding. This is how the scam is spreading rampantly on Facebook right now. This is such a sordid and perverse video. Be careful what you click or you might have some explaining to do to your Facebook friends. After sharing the message, the following survey scam loads.

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