Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Makiyo Is Forever Blowing Bubbles

Makiyo Is Forever Blowing Bubbles In Just Soap Suds For Steamy Ad. Currently, many movie stars or models of action and make the fans really want to know what its doing so in this model often makes a surprise so often in the notice. And this also happens to Makiyo but he's not just for entertainment and just looking for attention from you but he is currently getting the latest ads on a foam shower gel product. But the Japanese-Taiwanese singer does not feel embarrassed when he did this scene that only his entire body in just cover it with foam but thus he very much liked the role and not a very shameful thing in mind but for a job for him.

With a job that he could collect 750,000 views and within a few days earlier when uploaded to Youku. And he was in proclaim today to do something so difficult that he was in advertising foam was paid by NT$2 million ($65.800) and it is a payment large enough for him so that he to always want to look for his talent in a scene or advertising adults according to some of the workings of friends.

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